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 on: January 05, 2019, 09:37:25 PM 
Started by Haze SS - Last post by Haze SS

4th January - Friday Night Cruise
25th - 26th January - Motorvation 33
28th January - Members Meeting

1st February - Friday Night Cruise
16th February - Saturday Night Cruise

1st March – Friday Night Cruise
10th March - Wundowie Car Show
24th March - Shannons Classic Car Show
25th March - Members Meeting

7th April - Max Murray Auto Xtravaganza
13th April - Poker Run Night Cruise
27th April - Shacks Holden Show and Shine

11th May - Saturday Night Cruise
26th May - Drag Day
27th May - Members Meeting

 1st June - SATURDAY  Skidfest #8
22nd June - Drive Ins/Night Cruise

6th July - Kwinana Performance Dyno Day
19th July - Friday Night Cruise
22nd July - Members Meeting

4th August – Sunday Lunch Cruise
17th August - Night Navigation Run


8th September - Peter Brock Tribute Cruise 13th Anniversary
23rd September - Members Meeting
28th September - Soundfest Series @ Grants Car Stereo/Cruise

12th October - BYE Performance Night Dyno Competition
26th October – Halloween Night Cruise

24th November - Family Fun Day/Xmas Wind Up
25th November - Members Meeting
30th November - Skidfest #9

21st December - Xmas Lights Cruise

 on: August 09, 2018, 04:12:36 AM 
Started by Haze SS - Last post by Haze SS
Hey everyone
Our July club members meeting of 2018 will be held on Monday 27th August.
This is a great chance for members to get together to find out what is happening, and is upcoming with the club, and to help us make decisions that are voted on at this meeting as well. So if you want to be part of making things happen, or just want to listen in on whats going on, then come along.

Details of the meeting are
Meet - Centenary Park Community Centre
Address - Corner of Daley St and Barker St Belmont
Time - 7:30pm start

So please make the effort to come along to the club members meeting as its your club, and quite a number of decisions are made during the meeting, so be part of it!

 on: January 07, 2018, 02:33:29 PM 
Started by Haze SS - Last post by Haze SS
Hey everyone
The next club members meeting of 2018 will be held on Monday 22nd January.

Details of the meeting are
Meet - Centenary Park Community Centre
Address - Corner of Daley St and Barker St Belmont
Time - 7:30pm start

So please make the effort to come along to the club members meeting as its your club, and quite a number of decisions are made during the meeting, so be part of it!

West Coast Commodores President

 on: December 31, 2016, 06:04:07 AM 
Started by Haze SS - Last post by Haze SS
Hey everyone
The next club members meeting of 2017 will be held on Monday 23rd January.

Details of the meeting are
Meet - Centenary Park Community Centre
Address - Corner of Daley St and Barker St Belmont
Time - 7:30pm start

So please make the effort to come along to the club members meeting as its your club, and quite a number of decisions are made during the meeting, so be part of it!

West Coast Commodores President

 on: October 19, 2016, 07:13:00 PM 
Started by Haze SS - Last post by Haze SS
Hey everyone
 The next club members meeting of 2016 will be held on Monday 24th October.
 We have moved the club meetings back to the Monday night as many have told us that they prefer the Monday meeting over the Thursday, so there you have it back to Monday night's.
 The meeting has also moving to our new venue in Vic Park which is central for all.

 Details of the meeting are
 Meet - Centenary Park Community Centre
 Address - Corner of Daley St and Barker St Belmont
 Time - 7:30pm start

 So please make the effort to come along to the club members meeting as its your club, and quite a number of decisions are made during the meeting, so be part of it!
 West Coast Commodores President

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